Root Canal

Microscopic Root Canal Treatment saves a badly decayed tooth where the nerve and pulp are removed cleaning inside a tooth. During this treatment, an Endodontist shapes the teeth. Finally, it relieves dental pain. This treatment is cost effective and involves cleaning the root canal, filling the root canal and adding a crown or filling. Sometimes, there will be complications faced and to avoid them, give your first priority to Dentist’s instructions.


👉 Severe pain on chewing food, drinking hot or cold fluids
👉 Aggravation of pain while sleeping
👉 Nerve damage

When to Meet Dentist

Once the cavity has entered the enamel then it enters dentin where below lies the pulp chamber and when it is irritated or infected by the bacteria or their toxins, tooth becomes highly painful and it is recommended to go for a root canal.

Why Choose Us?

In our new Root Canal Treatment, we remove the pulp chamber along with the nerve of the affected tooth and fill the space with a filling material hence the tooth becomes dead and the pain is relieved. We at our Dental clinic follow a three-step root canal procedure spread over a week to ensure long-term success without any further complications and failure. We are proud to say that we have 100% success rate in our root canal procedure.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Cavity Leads to Root Canal?

Yes, once the cavity has entered the enamel then it enters dentin where below lies the pulp chamber and when it is irritated or infected by the bacteria or their toxins, tooth becomes highly painful and one needs to go for a root canal. In order to avoid such complications, one should get a filling done immediately.

Is there any way to avoid Root Canal?

One should go for a regular dental checkup and if there is any cavity or any plaque formation, one should get the filling done immediately in order to save any tooth damage.

Is Root Canal a very painful procedure?

No not at all because it is done under local anesthesia so that the patient doesn’t feel any kind of pain when he/she is undergoing our root canal procedure steps. We provide your treatment under experienced hands.

Does Root Canal treatment last for a lifetime?

Under ideal conditions, it can lasts for a lifetime. But in most of the cases, the conditions are not optimum and neither ideal. So, lifetime guarantee for the treatment is questionable. An average root canal treated tooth can last for 8 to 10 years.

What if one doesn’t want to go for a root canal treatment?

The only way to get relief from pain is extraction of the diseased tooth.

What is intentional root canal?

In many cases where there is severe loss of enamel and dentin and the pulp chamber is very close to the occlusal surface, while restoring the tooth one may need to do a root canal even though it is not infected to avoid any further complications in future. This is called as an intentional root canal.

What is a single setting root canal?

Generally, root canal stages takes an average of three sittings but in few cases where there is less infection, one can comfortably go for a single sitting root canal with the complete root canal procedure completed in just one go but it is not an ideal treatment advice for all the cases. As selecting such case plays a very important role if one plans to go for single sitting root canal. Good long-term success is reported in cases with mild to moderate period pericardial infection.

What is laser root canal treatment and what are its advantages over conventional root canal?

Lasers are one of the most advanced technologies which are used very frequently in our day-to-day clinical practice. The advantages of using laser root canal treatment is to ensure 100% sterilization and a bacteria free environment in the pulp chamber and a long-term success with pain-free experience for the patients.

What is Rotary Endodontics?

Rotary Endodontics is the most advanced technology developed for doing root canals in a quicker and more efficient way. Previously, before the introduction of rotary machines, root canals were purely done by hand filing but after the introduction of various file systems which can be used with automated rotary machines, a good treatment has become very convenient for the patients as it reduces their visits to clinic and time taken per sitting. The biggest advantage over conventional procedure that within no time, the canal is totally clear of the debris and the bacteria. In cases with mild to moderate infection, it is always possible to finish a root canal in single sitting.